Saturday, December 24, 2011
Pregnancy: Week 39
How far along?
39 weeks (tomorrow - 12/25/11)
Total weight gain/loss:
Around 25 lbs. gained.
Maternity clothes?
I've been sleeping pretty well, considering I'm one week (gulp!) away from the due date! My mind is racing with 'to do's' and just the plain excitement of having a baby born very soon. Sometimes this keeps me up late at night...
Best moment this week:
Enjoying the past week with Quinn as an only child. We visited the zoo, and been having a lot of fun, one-on-one time, I'm just soaking it in! We are also celebrating Christmas this week, so watching Quinn marvel over the Christmas tree and say new words, like: Frosty and Ho Ho Ho... just brighten my day. We have the infant car seat installed, the crib is ready for baby and we have a bassinet set up in our room. Watching Quinn take this all in has been quite interesting to say the least!
This baby just LOVES to move around in the late evenings, and the kicks and jabs are getting so much more pronounced and strong. I can see many of the movements when I look down at my belly!
Food cravings:
I had Steve run out and grab me a Jimmy John's sandwich the other night at 9pm! I feel like my appetite is growing, and this leads me to believe our baby is packing on the pounds! Uh oh... Quinn was 8 lb. 9 oz, how big will this baby be?! :)
I still think boy, Steve thinks girl. We're not finding out!
Labor Signs:
Nothing - and my doctor appointment on Friday leads me to believe we still have a few weeks left... I predict a January 15th birth - date. Time will tell.
Belly Button in or out?
Out - big time.
What I miss:
Nothing. We are close to the end now... I'm trying to stay positive and enjoy these last few weeks. Although I did get some Spotted Cow Beer for Christmas from my mom and dad and it looks awfully refreshing.... :)
What I am looking forward to:
Holding my sweet baby in my arms and watching Quinn meet him/her for the first time!
Weekly Wisdom:
I'm not going to get caught up in the due date. It's just an estimate anyway, and this baby will arrive when he/she is supposed to.
Christmas Eve 2011
A few pictures at home before heading to
Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Someone was feeling pretty sophisticated in his new Christmas
suit (from Grandma J), and was breaking out the cheesy grin! :)
Our two boys.
Playing 'train' with Aunt Katie.
Christmas 2011 ~ 12/24/11 ~
Quinn (22 Months Old)
Just call him Dr. Quinn, medicine man.
New slippers for Steve!
...And a new jersey for Pete.
No caption necessary!
After gift opening we played the game, Taboo. Very fun!
Us Sattler's sure love using our hands to talk!
I'm loving how Quinn has his face covered in this picture :(
Merry Christmas and God's blessings for a healthy and happy 2012 from our family to yours.
Gretchen, Steve and Quinn
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Full Term
I am officially 'full' term at 37 weeks, and this baby is
welcomed to join our family at any point!!
I hope it's still a couple weeks before we
actually meet him/her, though. :)
We're getting SO excited to meet you baby J. You have a mama, daddy, and big brother who are going to just love you to pieces!
Christmas Quilt..? Yes, you read that correctly.
My Grandma Sattler loves to quilt... She talks about it with so much excitement that it makes me think maybe I should try my hand at it. I know it takes skill, dedication, time.
Every year, we have a drawing to see which lucky grandchild gets a quilt made. (Actually, about five names are picked.)Last year, my name was called!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Our Fall Family Photos

This last photo location/idea was all Steve's creation :) I don't know if anyone has seen the Geiko Insurance commercials, but
this is a spoof on that... silly boys :)
Quinn doesn't get it, but he thinks daddy is hilarious no matter what! How long will that last?
On a chilly day back in mid October, our family met up with our talented friend, Rachel, to get some great family photos!
Quinn is nearing two years old, and we're just now getting our professional family photos... hey, better late than never!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Out for brunch and a visit with Santa?!
Two of the sweetest toddlers I know! Quinn and Abby.
Abby, Santa and Nolan ~ December 4, 2011 ~
Quinn and Santa ~ 12/04/11 ~
Doing what kids do best: PLAYING!
Abby and her grandma :)
We met up with our friends the Heimarks: Ally, Brandon and kids, along with Joy, Charlie and Sabrina, Jan, Stan and Laurie for
brunch with Santa Claus! What a hoot it was to see the
kid's reaction to the man with the white beard!
I think the highlight of the morning was watching the kids play
so nicely together as they ran around empty tables and chairs.
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