Friday, March 4, 2011

Just so I never forget much joy stacking and unstacking 
tupperwear is to my one year old Quinn...
...That when you catch me watching you play,
you give me a shy cute little grin!
 How much fun you have placing new and interesting object that
you find laying around the house (like little combs!) into bowls!

 That playing in the sunny spot in the kitchen, right beside Tuck as
he sun bathes, is your favorite spot in the house when the sun is high!
 That when you find a favorite toy for the day (or a few hours),
you bring it everywhere you go, and not only is it fun placing it in bowls in
the kitchen, but also on top of trucks and fire engines in the living room!
Just so I never forget what a cool imagination you have at one year old!

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