Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pregnancy: Week 36

How far along?

36 weeks (tomorrow - 12/04/11)

Total weight gain/loss:

Around 22 lbs. gained.

Maternity clothes?



I've been sleeping really well... more so than I was at this point in my pregnancy with Quinn. I think a lot has to do with the fact of how low this baby is sitting, it makes breathing much easier than it was with Quinn. The only downside is I ALWAYS have to pee :)  I have been very tired in the last week... I feel like I'm back in the first trimester, minus the morning sickness!

Best moment this week:

During my last appointment (on 12/02/11) when my doctor said everything is looking to a mama's ears! Also..having a great husband who has been supportive and a great listener (especially in the last week) whenever I need talk about any anxieties, excitements and expectations that I have for the upcoming few's starting to get 'real' now :)


Not a ton that I can feel, just because of where the placenta is located. I feel hiccups, though!

Food cravings:

I haven't really been craving one particular food, but I'm finding that at the same time(s) each day, (okay..numerous times a day) I start to get really hungry!!


I still think boy, Steve thinks girl. We're not finding out!

Labor Signs:

Some contractions on Sunday night/early Monday morning.  I had about five and it was exciting! Steve keeps reminding me to "PACK A BAG!" ...I'm living on the edge and don't have one packed... yet :)

Belly Button in or out?

Out - big time.

What I miss:

Nothing. I'm so close to the end of this pregnancy, that I really am trying to enjoy it all. I know it'll soon be just a distant memory, when I'm knee deep in (more) dirty diapers, nursing (constantly - or so it feels!), waking up for multiple in the middle of the night feedings, and walking around in a zombie like fashion trying to muddle my way through the day without falling asleep! I am really enjoying my sweet little infant still in my belly so that I can continue to catch some zzzzz's!

What I am looking forward to:

The Holiday season with a little one on the way! Steve and I agree that this will probably be our most exciting holiday season we ever experience, with a due date of only a week after Christmas Day! 

Weekly Wisdom:

I am going to stop fretting about having everything look perfect in my home!  I have been stressing out because I have had no energy to put up Christmas decorations, get my shopping done or just making it through the day without being completely worn out!  Forget Christmas cards this year - it's just not happening!  I will trust that things will work out fine... and will try and stop putting so much pressure on having the perfect Christmas!  We're already getting the perfect Christmas gift anyway...nothing else matters.

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