Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pregnancy: Week 31

How far along?

31 weeks (tomorrow - 10/30/11)

Total weight gain/loss:
I've gotten to the big 20 lbs! (That was about two weeks ago could be a little more/same?).
Maternity clothes?

It depends - each night is completely different from the last. Sometimes I have lower back pain and heart burn that keep me up, other times I drift off to sleep the second my head hits the pillow.  I do wake at least once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Darn baby treating my bladder like a trampoline :)
Best moment this week:
Just the moments/days when I'm feeling really good/healthy and truly am enjoying being pregnant! Some days (and I'm not sure if it's from lack of sleep or the babe's position), but I'm just so darn uncomfortable and I have a tough time keeping up with Quinn. Other days (favorite moments of the week) I feel so good and love knowing that not only am I creating a safe environment for my baby, but I am able to keep up with Quinn as well. 
Lots of kicks at night.

Food cravings:
I haven't really been craving one particular food, but I'm finding that at the same time(s) each day, (okay..numerous times a day) I start to get really hungry!!
I still think boy, Steve thinks girl. We're not finding out!

Labor Signs:
None - thankfully.

Belly Button in or out?
Out - big time.

What I miss:
On the days when I'm having uncomfortable lower back pain, I miss not having it :) I also had it with Quinn, and as soon as he was born it went away. At least it's only temporary :)
What I am looking forward to:
Just continuing to feel the baby's kicks/movements become more pronounced and strong as the days progress...and having my doctor appointments start to come every two weeks (and soon after that, weekly), since that really marks how close the duedate is coming! EEK!!!

Weekly Wisdom:
 I am truly enjoying and basking in my time with Quinn. I'm going to miss the one-on-one time we share daily. I know life is general right now is still so easy.. running to the grocery store with Quinn, taking a quick outing to the park, etc... once there are two, life is going to change remarkably! (For the good of course, but things won't be quite as simple as they are now!)

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